Connecting self with soil

The Credible Food Project connects Jersey pounds with Jersey’s ecological potential, by regenerating soil which is directly linked to water and food quality. Its well recognised that as soil health decreases, life support systems go the same way. Nature favors the THE LAW OF RETURN, in other words look after the soil and the soil will feed and look after us.

Managing organic waste in ways that nature perfected over 4.5 billion years, we are able to return the minerals and nutrients we discard, back to the soil to keep soil healthy. The alternatives, burn and landfill are extractive, unnecessary, degenerative and not sustainable.

Started in 2015 The Credible Food Project produces education projects for schools, regenerative options for gap year students, waste regeneration systems for businesses and hotels. Compost and soil regeneration strategies for landowners. Biological measuring and monitoring soil services and support for farmers transitioning to beyond organic agriculture.

Glyn Mitchell Founder of the Credible Food Project

The business of soil wealth is a new wealth.

Soil regeneration strategies from measuring to remediation to motoring improvements

When Economy means the economics of the home.

Soils are under terrific strain to provide for growing populations. Reinvesting in soil is the best way to ensure clean water, fresh healthy food and a healthy biosecurity.

For more information on how you can help regenerate your soil or your Compost stack, please get in touch.

Working together.

Business. Reducing your carbon emissions is good, but not enough to reduce the burden of climate change impacting future generations and your business. We would all benefit by sucking carbon out of the atmosphere and putting it back into the soil where it came. Carbon produced by business in day to day activities is a commodity needed by farmers to increase their yields. Green organic food waste contains carbon and minerals and Composted properly is the best resource the soil could have to build fertility and reduce the amounts of chemical fertilisers causing so much damage to ecosystems

Farmers adopting no dig systems , diverse cover crops, in farm fertility (microbes and no external nutrients), no pesticides or synthetic fertilizers and multiple crop relations, increases carbon - rich soil organic matter and humus. The result: vital microbial proliferate, roots go deeper, nutrient uptake improves, water retention increases, plants become more pest resilient and soil fertility builds. Regenerative Farms are seeing soil carbon levels rise from baseline of 1 to 2% up to 5 to 8 % over ten or more years, which can add up to 25 to 60 tons of carbon per acre. At £30.00 a tonne this becomes an attractive second crop. IPCC (Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change)

Education. The Credible Food Soil Regeneration Course cover everything from Soil Food Web theory including beneficial microbe cultivation in aerobic thermal Compost stacks, to application of aerobic Compost Tea/Extract to replace the missing soil biome on any scale and on any growing system. Methods and applications are covered and the core of this work is the microscope and microbe identification taught to verify the data and the results.

Please contact us for further details on how you can make Jersey a better place to live.

Mother Nature designed it this way we must learn from and respect this and help her where we can.

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The Credible Food Project is embarking on a program to develop a Soil module to support the school Curriculum, designed to build interest and thus demand from the next generation of conservation / organic citizens, who understand the value of protecting soil in what ever business they choose to embark.


The battle is between two different ways of relating to our land: one that sees the soil as an object from which profit must be extracted at all costs and one that recognises the interdependence of living systems and honors the principles of balance and harmony.


Once the Soils program is part of the curriculum, people will be more aware of humans impact on ecosystem services and the importance of obeying natures law of return. The Soil module is fit for modern environmental policies and will put Channel Island students in a commanding position when it comes to future career choices.


Unless we build soil

the basis of what we call the Soil Food Web collapses, ecosystem services begin to fail. Building soil health is easy, effective and very possible within a very short period of time and this is where we can help.


A healthy Soil is alive with diversity of microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes and micro arthropods, together they form the foundations of our life support systems. If we continue to exploit them systems will fail.

Empowering school aged children to champion soil regeneration practices, is the best way to ensure our life support systems are no longer being exploited.

Regenerative agriculture builds, supports and enhances the health of our life support systems.


If GDP is a measure used to gauge our financial wealth, Biodiversity and Soil Carbon are standards used to gauge our Islands health, following years of monocultures - both are in decline.

With your help we can introduce Soil module which ensure our Islands agriculture remains a viable industry. Please contact us if this is something you would like to be involved in.

If your school would like to know more please get in contact.


We value your voice.

We strongly believe in supporting the whole community, from the farmers to the consumers and want to provide the best possible solution for everyone. We understand the immense value of feedback, and would love to hear your thoughts.